Tuesday, December 21, 2010

La Blogotheque

I first became aware of La Blogotheque when searching online for videos of The Tallest Man on Earth. It was at that time that I came across the video of him performing "The Gardener" at Music Inn located in Greenwich Village in New York City; a video that was part of their "A Take Away Show" program.

I don't know why it took me over a year to capitalize on the plethora of videos La Blogotheque makes available, but I finally viewed a number of them today. Here are some of the videos that really stood out for various reasons.

The performance by Mumford & Sons might be one of the most endearing performances I've ever seen recorded. Especially given that they translated the chorus to French for the purpose of this video.

Here is also a series of videos from La Blogotheque of Bon Iver performing in a flat in Paris.

Paris was the destination of my first international trip. I traveled there in 2007. I appreciated the city during my time there, but have grown to appreciate it even more this past year as a result of devouring books by Henry Miller and Ernest Hemingway, who write so passionately about the city.